Wednesday, March 3, 2010

so i'm sitting in my friend sam's room, kinda bored out of my mind but not necessarily wanting to go back to my room because it's not worth the drama. apparently somebody has been using becca's credit card around town. according to her, "they have been taking it out of my bag and using it and then putting it back". this i don't believe. but she text everyone in the suite earlier stating that somebody has been using her card, she isn't pointing fingers, but if she doesn't find out soon who it is she is going to the police. greeeeattttt. that's just what we need. the roomates across the way just got into a screaming match and i had to hear enough of that. plus, kennedy, one that lives across the way is blaming ME for stealing her money. i am literally the last person any one would have to be worried about. i don't steal..hell i don't even lie to people. and i guess she called me "a little bitch" and said that if i tried to confront her she would "kick my ass". so i'm staying away from her..i don't want any screaming matches. i know it wasn't my fault, so i'm just going to ignore it. it is not worth it. i haven't been involved in crap like that since middle school. i intend to be happy and careless..and i college girl blah blah blah. whatever that means anyways. still haven't figured out this whole thing. i'm having a terrible time right now meeting people. i'm not in any groups or any sports. so it's hard to get out there, and i don't really party because i don't know anyone. and my friends don't really invite me out anymore like they used to. so idk i'll figure it out sometime. but i can't wait for summer, maybe summer will fix everything and i'll actually be able to find myself. i'm really hoping there is a cute boy at work, pathedic i know.but what else do i have to look forward to? nothing. ugh i'm going to stop getting sappy before i get depressed. lol

so goodnight i guess,

talk to you tomorrow!

thanks for helping me solve my problems.

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