Tuesday, February 28, 2012

so my mom is officially moving to colorado with my little brother. 
i've tried not to think about it too much...
b/c it really upsets me.
but i talked to pam about it this morning, 
and i can't stop thinking about it.
you know...
she's right,
at least i am in college and it's not like she is abandoning me in highschool.
i'm an adult and i would be moving out of her house anyways.
but..does that mean she has to leave?
i mean,
she even admitted to me that i'm one of her only best friends.
i visit every weekend.
and kyle loooooves me.
i'm the best sister ever!
he's so blinding by sean.
everything revolves around him.
and i know why...
b/c it's new.
sean is new and shiny and he wants to play with him.
which is cool..
kyle needs a real male adult role model.
but what happens when he starts to miss me?
does he not realize that he is going to only see me once..
maybe twice a year?
no of course he doesn't...
he's only 9.
i just hate change.
and everything is going to change this summer.
and it makes me crawl in my skin.
but it will be okay...
i'm a big girl.
i can handle these things.
but i don't want to!!! 

whining isn't going to get me anywhere.
i just need to love and let go.
i'll be okay.
they will be okay.